فيسبوك: 31 أيار، 2011

– حتى لو تمكن بشار الأسد من إحياء شهدائنا، سنبقى نطالب بتنحيته ومحاكمته على كل ما ارتكب هو وعائلته وصحبه من جرائم بحق الشعب السوري، وافقنا في ذلك العالم أم خالفنا، هذا قرارنا ولن نحيد عنه قيد أنملة. لن نُخدع ولن نساوم على حريتنا وكرامتنا، نقول لا للجلاد.

Revolution Uploaded

BBC Arabic sets out to explore the global information and communication revolution that has helped ferment real revolts, and pull down regimes across the Arab World. I make an appearance in Part Three of the 4-part series, with discussion on my work on the Syrian Revolution Digest.

Change Appears Inevitable In Syria, Analysts Say

Quoted by NPR

So far President Obama has stopped short of saying Assad must go. But his recent speech on the Middle East came awfully close, at least to the ears of Ammar Abdulhamid, a U.S.-based Syrian opposition activist:

“When they give [Assad] a choice between lead democratic transition or, sort of, get out of the way, they really mean get out of the way either with some dignity or without dignity. So in a sense, they are pressing for complete change and overhaul of the system,” he says.

Abdulhamid and other opposition figures plan to meet in Turkey later this week to try to get better organized and lobby the West for a tougher response.

Syrian businessmen back opposition conference

Quoted in the Guardian

The Sanqar brothers declined to comment on their role at the conference, but Ammar Abdulhamid, the exiled Syrian dissident and head of the Washington-based Tharwa Foundation, said the inclusion of business personalities was “a significant development”.

“We have a number of other businessmen and entrepreneurs here. The business community is slowly coming around to realising the need to support the future of Syria,” he said.