Activists Join Senators in Call for State Department Action on Internet Freedom

Senator Brownback promises a hold on nominations until State Department acts on appropriations

Washington, D.C. — Surrounded by front-line activists from Iran, China, Cuba, Syria, Tibet, and the Uyghur Region of East Turkestan, Senator Sam Brownback (R-Kansas) promised to put State Department nominations on hold until the Department follows Secretary Clinton’s January 21st Internet freedom speech with decisive action. “Those who have gathered here agree on one incredible fact:  That we have it within our power to tear down the firewalls of oppression, right now, by supporting technology that shatters the censorship apparatus of regimes worldwide,” Senator Brownback said at a March 18 press conference in the Capitol Visitors Center. Continue reading “Activists Join Senators in Call for State Department Action on Internet Freedom”

Free Fedaa!

As the elected president of the National Council of the Damascus Declaration, the largest opposition movement in Syria, Dr. Fedaa Al-Horani, now languishing in Syrian jails alongside other Council members and thousands of Syrian political prisoners of all ages and political backgrounds, is simply put our Syrian Aung San Suu Kyi. Unfortunately, her plight and that of her comrades continue to receive scant international attention. But, as the International Woman’s Day (March 8th) approaches, it seems fitting for all free Syrians to celebrate the achievements and stands of Dr. Al-Horani. Here’s to a great lady!